I Hate you for the same reason I Love you.

07 Feb
I Hate you for the same reason I Love you.

I was sitting observing the stars of the skies

Trying to heal my heart’s scars

then you shoot  my heart with your brightness.

Now my skin has split where it is the softest

I am tranquilized with these deep feelings that are deeper than the Volta

Like a bird in a trap, my song has changed

Changed to the that of the loom and the thread

as it churns out a beautiful cloth

I do not know whether I have sold my freedom to the devil

or I’m under  captivity of my guardian angel

And so lost in thoughts and emotions I declare to you Obaa Yaa

I hate you for the same reason I love you

I was at the dance of the masquerades

dancing to my own dance steps under my own mask

There was a reason to my madness

A joy that I alone understood

Then you came


danced and stole my heart away

erasing my joy and replacing it with another

turning my half moon into a full moon

All I do now is howl you name in a silent song of fulfillment

My dance steps are in unison with yours but incomplete without you

for you are the music that makes the head and feet of my heart nod and tap

My mask is off and I’m exposed like naked buttocks under torn cloths

Why Obaa Yaa? Why?

Now I hate you for the same reason I love you

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Posted by on February 7, 2014 in Poems


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